Podcast: Jerry Zandstra and Workplace Learning
March 08, 2016

- Bob Chapman
CEO & Chairman of Barry-Wehmiller
We learn as a reflection of who we are and who we seek to become. We do not learn merely to gain skills, knowledge or even wisdom. We do not learn simply to do or earn. We learn because we are wired to learn.
This quote is from the website of Inno-Versity, a learning company based out of Grand Rapids, Michigan that creates and provides training to companies worldwide. Inno-Versity, like Barry-Wehmiller, believes that learning in the workplace shouldn’t just be instructional, but should also facilitate greater fulfillment in the lives as a whole of those being trained.
I was introduced to Inno-Versity’s co-founder, Dr. Jerry Zandstra, a number of years ago. We very quickly knew we were kindred spirits and he has become a trusted friend. Inno-Versity produced a very special “Larketing” piece, animating my TEDx talk and I was honored to be the first guest on their Great Minds podcast.
On this episode of the Everybody Matters podcast, Jerry talks about the importance of continuous learning in the workplace and how that can contribute to building an organization where everybody matters.
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