Sharing Our Message: The Future of Work Podcast
March 19, 2015

- Bob Chapman
CEO & Chairman of Barry-Wehmiller
“Who in your life likes to be managed?” I often pose this question when the words manager or management come up in conversation.
No one wants to be managed; not your spouse, your children or your friends. Yet in the workplace we have managers who manage, bosses who boss – all part of the broken language of business.
Human beings aren’t meant to be managed; they’re meant to be led – by leaders.
Jacob Morgan, a contributor to Forbes, and author of The Future of Work: Attract New Talent, Build Better Leaders, and Create a Competitive Organization and The Collaborative Organization recently discussed with me the difference between leadership and management for his Future of Work podcast.
To listen to the first of this two-part interview, click here or download it from iTunes.
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