Sharing Our Message: Simon Sinek
August 07, 2013

- Bob Chapman
CEO & Chairman of Barry-Wehmiller
Simon Sinek’s TED Talk “How Great Leaders Inspire Action” is the second most- viewed TED Talk of all time. His book Start With Why became a business bestseller in 2011. His model of the golden circle showing others how to become effective leaders and inspire action is used worldwide.
I was fortunate enough to meet Simon after we sent him a letter in 2010 describing the wonderful things happening at Barry-Wehmiller as a result of our people-centric leadership initiatives. At the urging of his assistant, Simon offered to meet me for a quick lunch.
Three hours later, we got up from the table.
Since that lunch, Simon has visited Barry-Wehmiller facilities several times witnessing our culture firsthand. After his initial trip to our Wisconsin companies, he said “I have this notion that we can live in a world where people go home at the end of the day fulfilled by their work….For the first time I have seen a company where this world exists. That is this company.”
Inspired by what he saw, Simon described our leadership model as “truly human,” and his feedback inspired the title of this blog, Truly Human Leadership. Since that time, Simon has been a partner, using his broad reach in the world to help see the way businesses should be. He often tells Barry-Wehmiller’s story in his speeches and writings.
I consider him a good sounding board, consultant, confidante and friend and I take great pride in watching his growing success. We are in total alignment in our belief that we can create a world in which people find fulfillment and inspiration in their work. And, when you look at it that way, that’s really the only “Why” a business leader should ever need.
Read this article from last week’s Inc. Magazine in which Simon mentions Barry-Wehmiller again: Simon Sinek: How Extraordinary Leaders Evolve.
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