Everybody Matters Live!
February 03, 2016

- Bob Chapman
CEO & Chairman of Barry-Wehmiller
“I know I’m not crazy now.”
These were the words spoken by a woman in the Q&A section of a talk given by myself and Raj Sisodia recently in St. Louis.
Raj and I appeared together at an event co-sponsored by Left Bank Books to celebrate the release of Everybody Matters in Barry-Wehmiller’s hometown and corporate headquarters.
It’s not the first time we’ve heard someone express that thought after listening to Raj and Me talk about the stories and principles in our book. The woman spoke, as many do, of knowing that people should feel safe and cared for in their workplaces. But so often, this is not the case.
Raj and I wrote Everybody Matters because we wanted people to know they weren’t alone in feeling there has to be a better way for businesses to do business. It’s almost sad that a book like ours had to be written, but it shows how deep the crisis of leadership is in our country and in the world.
But the good news is, we can change these things. And hopefully Everybody Matters is helping to advance the conversation of the effect leadership has on the lives of everyone.
Watch a montage of Raj and me speaking about Everybody Matters through the link above.
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