The Impact of Feeling Valued
January 22, 2018

- Bob Chapman
CEO & Chairman of Barry-Wehmiller
We can’t say this enough: The way we lead influences the way people live. Most leaders rarely stop to think about the true impact of their decisions and actions on those in their span of care.
But you see it played out every day inside cubicles, behind counters, in offices and in the manufacturing facilities of our businesses and organizations: Good and bad leadership has tremendous influence on not only the work experiences but also the home lives of those we lead.
It shows in the way they interact with their teammates and it shows in the way they act when they return home after a day’s work.
Here’s a story from Craig Bahrke, a lead assembler at our Paper Converting Machine Company in Green Bay, WI. Craig has seen a lot at his time at PCMC and tells a moving story of how leadership – good and bad – affected his life. Watch his story in the video above.
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