BW team members:
I am excited to announce that we are re-aligning our Baldwin Technology company from our BW Forsyth Partners group of companies into our recently formed BW Converting Solutions platform.
In my recent State of the Business address, I set out this challenge to the organization: focus on our long-term vision to set-up Barry-Wehmiller to realize its full potential. One path to achieve this is by ensuring our companies are leveraging the collective insights and scale of the Barry-Wehmiller organization in a more strategic manner.
Over the last several years, Baldwin has focused on repositioning itself in key markets including growth (flexo, gravure, corrugated, digital) print, industrial UV, textile, and the traditional offset print space. The team has successfully launched new technology and realigned the sales organization to better serve these markets where Baldwin has a true right to win. During this same period, BW Converting Solutions (BWCS) has also undergone a major transformation to more formally align its organization with its targeted global markets, and has brought together PCMC, W+D, Hudson-Sharp, Northern Engraving and STAX Technologies to serve as ONE team.
With both the Baldwin and BWCS transformations largely complete, the resulting market focus, approach to serving customers and collective visions for growth provide compelling logic that Baldwin and BWCS would be better together. The teams are already working on joint projects, the two businesses’ products and markets complement each other exceptionally well and work with a large overlap of customers. The combination is powerful and will provide both organizations with enhanced opportunities for sustainable growth.
Effective immediately, Baldwin President & CEO Joe Kline will report directly to BW Converting Solutions Group President Stan Blakney as the team embarks on this next chapter of growth.
Next week, a kickoff meeting with key leaders from both businesses is planned to determine how to build on their respective strengths. Beginning in January 2023, the teams will conduct listening sessions to better inform how to combine these organizations in a cohesive and meaningful manner. The leadership team will actively and regularly communicate with all stakeholders during the transition.
About this re-alignment, Joe Kline said: “This is an exciting opportunity for the Baldwin team to help accelerate our strategy inside a synergistic platform with global scale, wider organization support and operational capabilities.”
Stan Blakney said: “This is a great opportunity for both Baldwin and BW Converting Solutions to expand across the converting space. It continues the work the Converting Solutions team embarked on last year, coming together as ONE team. Both the Baldwin and BW Converting teams have already been working on multiple fronts jointly and this combination should further enhance that cooperation and growth. From applying vision systems to flexo presses to spray treatment systems for various substrates, we can truly be a leader in the converting space.”
Baldwin is one of our companies that holds a special place in my heart, having served as its President & CEO for several years and helping to craft its vision statement: Transforming business through the power of human potential. I am extremely excited about this opportunity to maximize the potential of Baldwin and its team members by bringing them together with others in the BW family for a more sustainable future.
-Kyle Chapman
President, Barry-Wehmiller